Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Instagram - my monthly wrap-ups

So I know I've been a bit slack on the wordy front of my blog posts lately, but it is all in good reason (I promise!) The truth is that all my arty commitments for and at Central Saint Martins have been taking over my life for the past few months and...surprisingly, I'm not actually complaining - I've loved every second of it!

What's weird is that, during this time of neglect (blog-wise),  I've noticed myself spending more and more time on a genius-little thing called instagram. 

Truth be told - since I got my new (and humongous) android phone, I have felt that I wasn't so 'hipster' or 'cool' enough for it.

However, despite this worry, I decided to register anyway (you can find me on instagram under the username 'luciedavis')

What I have come to love most about instagram is being able to see my non-arty friends get creative! It has been amazing to notice each of their own style, their own obsessions and I just find that so interesting and inspiring. It is kind of like reading their life stories in little squares. It's different.

Also, I mean it when I say that instagram has truly made me change the way I view my work. It's helped me to be so more creative and to push past my limitations of what I thought to be possible with a mobile phone. 

Here is my monthly nest of instagrams - my tiny, precious moments worth preserving:

A sneak peek into my instagram food adventures: A fruity boost and a fresh start to a lovely day


This might sound silly …but thanks to instagram (and to my muma) I really have learnt to make more of a conscious effort to lay everything out nicely, use proper napkins, include humour and fresh flowers (something that the gorgeous Jane Packer would have been proud of) and to get creative with my meals. 

Hair care


My kind of people

Test driving a new Alice and Olivia jacket at work...(I couldn't help myself!)

Possibly the thinnest house I've ever seen?...eat up!

Celebrating International Women's day with this pretty lady

I've been inspired again and again by complete strangers on instagram. Sometimes, seeing an instagram photo can simply encourage me to take a walk and capture that would-be overlooked moment. 

Nothing screams Easter more than these little speckled things...

Candles and dinner...I'm a lucky girl

Day 1: A nice British sunburn

A sky that even Yves Klein would be proud of

Pretty in purple pandas

I love the thought of seizing a precious moment and sending it off to the rest of the world

A glass of water with a rainbow on the side please

I caved...This satirizing Celine jumper just made me laugh too much to resist! 

My new finger-huggers...(I needed a couple of cuddles!)

Dining with the Dalah's

Neon socks teamed up with some fluoro-wedges - why not?

Nothing like a little bit of street style for all you fashionista's out there

Peace fellow bun-heads,

Until next time!

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