Sunday, 13 May 2012


My love for nail art (or any art for that matter) is no secret, but I may just have found a competing obsession -  Paige Thompson's bestial lip art. This kissable zoo is almost too cute to resist - I just had to post!

If you have a daring demeanour, these innovative little beauties could be a great form of dress-up, expression or even simply for experimentation.

Thompson's lip art is just so creative and such a breath of fresh air, that I'm now beginning to  think that maybe  I should try injecting some creativity into my lipstick routine from now on... After all, I'm recently starting to tire of my love for my Topshop winter vamp shade anyway...

Unfortunately, my Damien Hirst inspired lamb lip art didn't quite work out. In spending a whole lot more time by the mirror, my unsteady hands and ticklish lips kept making me laugh....

But don't be afraid, pucker-up, I promise you they won't bite!


  1. everything is possible these days ...make believe and guess...who is it, what is it? where is it? the magic of transformation ...fabulous....

    1. tik tak its wonderful its marvelous its amazonius
      uncle xi

  2. lucie these inspiring lips are great i did in 1982 a volume of fotos called Lips.Inc.
    so its continuing
    bravo for your inventiveness
    kissi uncle xi from parisland

  3. super my lucie then with these you created a wonderful amazonia land
    kiisiisssi uncle xi from paris poneyland (in the park)
