Saturday 24 March 2012

Raw beauty #2

If I’m being honest, I was a little unsatisfied with my previous dress that I had made out of felt. I didn't think it turned out very well at all...

I think that the main reason for this was probably due to the fact that I didn’t pull the wool out into small enough pieces to start with. I also think that I “rock n roll[ed]” the wool too hard, resulting in clumps of felt which weren’t really stuck together. It was also quite difficult to tell exactly what it was....(a dress)

So I remedied this by starting over. And it was only through learning from little mistakes like these, that I was able to solve the problem and improve.

I did this by needle-felting a bit more wool over the top to join it up, then continuing the felting process. It came out rather thicker than I’d intended, but was still ok to use for making a garment.

By starting over, it also allowed me to have some refreshing thoughts. 

For example, one of them was to felt in some curly cobwebs of shiny fibres from Angora goats, giving the garment a rich textured detail.

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